The Pearl Holder

I’ve been pretty busy lately, so all I have from the past month is a a 15 minute or so sketchy doodle of some kind of dragon/serpent thing. I contemplated calling it a naga, but it has wings, so it’s probably just some nameless wierd thing.

Pearl Holder

Just regular pencil and micron pen


The Winged Lady

More work from my new sketchbook; I’m kind of out of practice on doodling randomness. Not exactly sure if it’s surreal enough for what I had in mind, but I wanted to finish it. I disregarded making everything even after about two minutes, so it’s pretty obvious where I just marked up the thing quickly and without advanced planning.
Moth Lady wmStrathmore recycled sketch paper, mechanical pencil, ballpoint pen


The Martyr

Promised myself I’d get back in the swing of posting once a week, so here’s a sketchbook scan:

The Matyr

My scanner hates my sketchbook – the blurry side and off coloring are after-effects of its perpetual anger. I’ve also learned a new lesson- use a ruler when drawing chess pieces!

Anyway, the image was first a doodle of a dragon head and then I played with some new black micron pens. The bottommost swirls are actually purple micron pen, but the color’s off.

Someday I’d like to write a full story about dragons and knights and castles. I have so many ideas; one day I’ll sit down and write them all out.

Ascension Inks

‘Ascension Dragon’ inked with micron pens. I intend to color the alien-dragon purplish with a full galaxy-like background by next week. We’ll see how realistic that goal is….

I’ve never made a space dragon this large before, and with a full background, so it will be a new frontier to explore!
